Diy Crafts Projects For The Home Decoration

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The Sock Snow Dude Tutorial

Adorable + easy craft for home or classroom projects. This cute tute was just featured in the brilliant Bird's Party Holiday Mag . You can make them in any size or color combination.  I used many materials I already had in my stash. If you make some~send pics~I live for that kind of adorableness in my inbox:)

White socks (child/youth size)
Poly Fiberfill
Dried Beans (I used Pinto)
Yarn or string for tying and mouth
Pom Poms, Buttons or any embellishments you have on hand
Black gems for eyes
Ribbon or yarn scraps
Purple Glue Gun:) {if you have more time to let them dry, you could certainly use regular craft glue)

Step 1: Insert a layer of beans in the bottom of the sock (about an inch high)

Step 2: Stuff the fiberfill into the sock on top of the beans. Stuff until the fill reaches the bottom of the ribbed part of the sock. Tightly tie off with a string, cut off ends.

Step 3: Fold down ribbed part of sock, and roll up the edges a little to create a “hat.” Use a few dabs of hot glue to secure the hat down.

Step 4: Select a piece of ribbon or strands of yarn to make a “scarf” for the snow dude. Locate where you want the neck to be and tie the yarn tightly and knot. Make sure you make the head big enough and leave room to decorate the face.

Step 5: Using purple hot glue gun {or craft glue if preferred}, add eyes, nose, mouth, poms and buttons in any kind of colorful combination and design.

Step 6: Admire the cuteness you just crafted ;)


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