DIY Beach Glass Photo Transfer
My Aunt and Uncle have been collecting beach glass for years. When I was recently at their house for a visit, I was fascinated by how many pieces they have acquired over time. I picked up a few and started looking at them. I thought to myself, “There has to be something cool that you can do with all of this glass.” I remembered Julia’s wood photo transfer post, and that gave me the idea to try a photo transfer on a different type of medium-beach glass! I snagged a couple of white pieces from my Aunt and Uncle (with their permission) and tried out the photo transfer technique.
What you need:
White beach glass
Mod Podge
Paint Brush
Laser printed images (I made sure all of the images were a resolution of 300 and sized them down to fit my glass. Make sure to flip them so they don’t show up backwards after the transfer is complete! I used pictures of flowers, but landscapes also work really well.)
Hand towel
Step one- Apply Mod Podge to the front side of your image.
Step two- Place the image onto a piece of beach glass and press it down to be sure all of the air bubbles are out. Trim or tear off the excess edges. Allow the Mod Podge to dry for about an hour.
Step three- Once all of your pieces are dry, lay them out on a towel and cover them with a damp one.
Make sure the towel is wet enough but not soaking. Press down to make sure all of the pieces are covered and allow this to sit for 1o minutes.
Step four- Start to rub away the white paper gently with the towel.
Step five- Once all of the white paper is removed, apply another coat of Mod Podge.
After the Mod Podge is dry, your beach glass photo transfers are finished! These are great to fill up mason jars with or to use as decorative paper weights.
You can also hang them from a tree using twine as outdoor decor. This is a perfect decoration for a festival campsite!
But my favorite way to use these pieces of beach glass is to make necklaces with them.
All you need is some cording and a hot glue gun!
Do you all have any other suggestions on ways to use these pieces of beach glass? I would love to hear!
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